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罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2889

星期一至五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.

(248) 370-2843

A woman posing for a photo with a city skyline in the background.



教师-led 程序s, exchange 程序s, and partner 程序s. 每个项目类型都根据你的课程和旅行偏好提供自己独特的体验. Filtered by area of study, you can easily find 程序s 设计ed for specific discipline interests. 阅读下面的描述,了解更多韦德体育app官网的项目类型,并决定哪一个是最适合你的项目. Although you are not limited to these 程序s, 他们经过精心挑选,以帮助满足开放大学的课程要求:



我们最受欢迎的节目! 与公开大学的其他学生一起旅行、生活和学习,参加公开大学教师讲授的课程. 这些项目通常在夏季或学期休息期间进行,时长在10天到四周之间. Do you want to explore the Latin American rainforest, participate in an archeological dig in the Middle East, see the places that inspired Harry Potter, undertake research focused on public health in 非洲, or meet with business leaders in Europe’s financial capitals? An OU faculty-led 程序 is for you! Since you travel with a group, everything is arranged by OU. 这些项目适合所有学生——即使你以前从未离开过密歇根——它们的时间短,费用低,对在这里工作或有其他义务的学生来说很有吸引力. 点击左侧的教师主导的程序选项卡,了解有关这些程序的更多信息.


交换项目提供最独立的学习和旅行经验. You will enroll and study at one of our partner universities abroad, 与目的地国家的学生一起学习一学期或一学年. You will pay OU tuition and earn OU credit for the classes you take. 你可以住在宿舍、当地家庭的寄宿家庭或公寓里. Most exchange students focus on gaining fluency in another language, 但你也可以在我们在马耳他或英国的合作伙伴那里学习所有的英语课程. 我们在德国的机械工程师专业交流项目也是用英语授课的. 因为在交换期间,你将支付正常的开放大学学费, exchange 程序s are typically very affordable options. For more information about each of our exchange 程序s, click the Exchange Programs tab on the left.

你也可以在美国境内交换学习(包括美国学生).S. )和加拿大的国家学生交换计划. 这个项目让你有机会在不同的大学学习一个学期或一年,同时留在你的祖国舒适.


合作伙伴项目由外部教育机构协调,与开放大学合作为您提供服务, 学生们, 尽可能多的节目. 通过这些项目,你仍然可以使用公开大学的经济援助,获得公开大学的学分和成绩. OU partners include CIEE, 地理, JCMU, and USAC. 在这里,你将与来自美国各地的学生一起学习和旅行.

  • CIEE 提供多种学科的短期和传统学期留学选择. Choose from language 程序s or 程序s focused on business, 设计, 新闻, STEM课程等等. You may study at a CIEE center or directly at a university abroad.
  • 地理 为学生提供学术严谨、主题多样的欧洲留学项目, 非洲, 亚洲, 和美洲. 地理为有兴趣学习西班牙语、法语或意大利语的学生提供了特别好的选择.
  • JCMU is the 日本 Center for Michigan Universities (JCMU), 在彦根的一个校园, 志贺县, 日本, created to build and strengthen relationships between 日本ese, 美国人, and people of every nationality. JCMU的课程让学生有机会在琵琶湖岸边学习语言和文化,同时参与河根市的社区活动.
  • USAC 为学生提供在全球各国生活和学习的改变生活的机会. USAC has more than 50 affordable, authentic study abroad 程序s in 26 countries, and strives to provide ample opportunities to become engaged, 全球公民. All USAC 程序s are hosted directly at universities abroad, 为您提供融入目的地国家生活的最佳机会. 我们的许多USAC项目也是我们提供的最实惠的项目之一.

根据课程类型、学期、专业和地点,使用 搜索程序 页面. 当你准备好启动你的应用程序时,只需点击你选择的程序上的应用按钮.

To begin your journey, come to our 上门咨询时间, 1 – 3 p.m. 周一至周四,无需预约,或预约到 咨询顾问 (亲自或虚拟). 你也可以在 我们在OC的桌子 从12点到2点.m. on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 我们的同行顾问, OU students who have studied abroad themselves, are ready to help you through the process.


作为一种音乐, 戏剧舞蹈专业, 您将在全球各地的留学机会中增长您的知识:

AURORA is pursuing her dreams in musical theatre. 帮助她拓展技能, 她在九头蛇学习, 希腊, 带着对表演的新热情和自我发现的感觉离开了.

“希腊 changed my life as a student, person and performer. 我可以一边做自己喜欢的事情,一边上课,体验丰富的文化. I felt so at peace while I was there.” – Aurora Batton, 希腊古典戏剧



Conservation is ETHAN’s passion. As an environmental science major, 他渴望去厄瓜多尔留学,以一种新的方式探索生态学. 伊桑在国外的经历帮助塑造了他的学位,并通过观察生物在自然栖息地内的运作扩大了他的知识.

“My study abroad experience was nothing short of life changing. I learned so much about the wildlife, 植被和文化巩固了我的爱和帮助保护我们星球的愿望.” – Ethan Tiong, 热带田野生态学 in 厄瓜多尔


在社会科学领域, 您将通过沉浸式的文化体验在欧洲和中东打开新的机会之门;

SOPHIA is empowered by exploration. 她选择在牛津大学留学,以最大限度地提高她的教育水平. And with the freedom to explore this historic English city, Sophia found herself living life to the fullest.

“Studying abroad was the best decision I ever made. When the world became my classroom, 我第一次意识到自主管理自己教育的神奇影响.” – Sophia Williams, 牛津大学英国研究

As a professor, MIKE understands the importance of discovery. By leading a study abroad course in Israel, 他安排行程,帮助学生了解独特的自然和文化遗址. And with funding for students that covers most of the travel costs, exploring the world has never been more hands-on and attainable. 

“While we teach archaeological methods, students also learn about other cultures, 历史和现代的困境,他们与来自世界各地的人们见面并成为朋友. Mostly, though, they learn a great deal about themselves.” – Mike Pytlik, Archaeology Field School of Israel